I’m the exhaust of a fleshy rice water product routine for my short relaxed hair as I originate up my unique hair development race. My first aim is to salvage to healthy neck size so I can salvage my Meagan Actual bob (so sublime).
I made an portray from Nature’s Ego on Etsy. I’ve purchased the rice water rinse earlier than and cherished it and desired to get a peep at extra merchandise from them for a fleshy regimen. I get into chronicle this the “pure Olaplex” machine. Let’s glance what create of results I could salvage from rice water and consistency.
Willing to manifest some long healthy hair!
Elated Hair Increasing!

W A T C H N E X T 💻
Finest Manner to Prep for a Relaxer />
Increasing out a Pixie Slice again />
Fro to Pixie Summer Slice again >

P R O D U C T S 🧴(some are paid commission hyperlinks. Thank you for attempting!)
Nature’s Ego Etsy Shop />
Go in />
Foam Styler />
Relaxer I exhaust (4.5 STARS)
Shine Oil />
Flatiron />
Edge Control />
Lipstick >

B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S 📧

P R O D U C T I O N 📹
Digicam: iPhone XR
Editor: iMovie

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